Nordic Noir in November

Last updated: 13.11.2014 // Norwegian and Irish writers talks about crime fiction.

Irish Writer Centre is hosting a Nordic Noir/Celtic Crime event as a part of the Battle of Clontarf Millennium Celebrations.

Two guests from Norway will join a panel discussion about the different processes in writing crime fiction and exploring how culture, geographical location and gender influence the process.

Thomas Enger is a Norwegian crime writer. His first novel Burned (originally titled Skinndød) was released in 2010, and is sold to a number of countries. A journalist named Henning Juul is the main character in Enger’s books.

Leif Ekle is a culture expert, freelance journalist and broadcaster with Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK.

Enger and Ekle will be joined by Sinéad Crowley, an Arts and Media Correspondent with RTÉ news.

The host for the night is Declan Hughes, an Irish writer and playwright.

When: Thursday 20. November at 7pm.

Where: Irish Writers Centre