Punkt music festival. Photo: PMF

Punkt music festival 2015

Last updated: 01.09.2015 // The Punkt music festival will be held in the Norwegian city of Kristiansand from 3-5th of September.

Punkt is one of the leading innovative festivals in improvised music, and is known for its original live remix concept. The festival is centered around the idea of “Live Remix”. All concerts at Punkt are remixed live, and the audience may listen to the remixes immediately after each concert. In many cases, the remixers also invite musicians to interact with the remixes, making them a platform for innovation and improvisation.

This concept is an extension of how the curators of the festival have worked with a range of Nordic and international musicians; with live sampling and live electronics, and as record producers and remixers. Many prominent musicians and guest curators have contributed to the Punkt project, including Brian Eno, David Sylvian and John Paul Jones. In addition to the mothership festival in Kristiansand, Punkt events have been arranged in London, Paris, Tallinn, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Mannheim and other European cities.

To read more about the Punkt festival click here.

To buy tickets click here.